Diagrams support in Markdown
There are a lot of diagraming languages (see text-to-diagram ↗). Mermaid ↗ seems to be popular (it is supported by GitHub).
Ideal solution
- it would be rendered as SVG on the server side
- so no JS required on the client-side
- people can use Cmd + F to search text
- style it with CSS-variables (or CSS-classes)
- so it would be possible to implement dark mode without JS
- optionally add small JS to implement pan/zoom/drag
There is no ideal solution so far. But here is what we can do instead:
- Client-side rendering with Mermaid
- Server-side rendering with Mermaid via headless browser
- Server-side rendering with Pintora ↗
See: astro-diagrams ↗
Server-side rendering via headless browser
- Mermaid doesn’t support server-side rendering: mermaid#3650 ↗
- Prerendering with healdess browser: mermaid-isomorphic ↗
- Related discussion in Starlight repo: starlight#1259 ↗
- Component for diagram rendering: astro-diagram ↗ (I haven’t tried it though)
remark plugin
pnpm add remark-mermaidjs
import remarkMermaidjs from "remark-mermaidjs";
export default defineConfig({ integrations: [ starlight({ customCss: ["./src/styles/custom.css"], }), ], markdown: { remarkPlugins: [remarkMermaidjs], },});
Author advices against using remark plugin and insists on using rehype plugin ↗.
You may need to fix some CSS for your diagrams, for example:
svg .node .label { line-height: 1.2;}
.flowchart-link { stroke: var(--sl-color-white) !important;}
.marker { stroke: var(--sl-color-white) !important; fill: var(--sl-color-white) !important;}
rehype plugin
doesn’t work with Astro out of the box. Because of remark-shiki ↗. There are several workarounds:
use(it used to work)rehype-raw
at all (markdown.syntaxHighlight: false
↗) and userehype-shikiji
There is upcoming feature to support dark mode: rehype-mermaid#6 ↗.
```mermaidflowchart LR Start --> Stop```
Further improvements
- Add JS script to do pan/zoom/drag, for example, svg-pan-zoom ↗